Nevada Alexander Musk: Cause of Death & Facts about Elon Musks Dead Son

Nevada Alexander Musk was born in 2002, was the firstborn son of Elon Musk, an entrepreneur and business magnate, and his former wife Justine Wilson, a Canadian Author. Nevada Alexander Musk’s father is the founder, CEO, and Chief Engineer at SpaceX; early-stage investor, CEO, and Product Architect of Tesla, Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; and co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI. He is centibillionaire, Musk is one of the richest people in the world. Unfortunately, Nevada Alexander Musk died 10 weeks after his birth. We will talk about the cause of death of Nevada Alexander Musk, keep reading.

Profile Summary

Full NameNevada Alexander Musk
Famous asThe first Son of Elon Musk and Justin Wilson
AgeNevada Died 10 weeks after his birth
Date of Birth2002
Place of BirthUnited States Of American
Zodiac SignUnknown
ParentsElon Musk -Father
Justin Wilson – Mother
SiblingsGriffin and Xavier Musk(twins)
Kai, Saxon, Damian Musk (Triplets),

Nevada Alexander Musk the first son of Elon Musk was born in 2002, He arrived at a moment in Elon’s life when he was enjoying numerous highs and things were going pretty well. He had envisioned and planned the firm that would eventually become SpaceX, but he was cash-strapped at the time. Then eBay expressed interest in purchasing Paypal for $1.5 billion. He was seeing Nevada grow from a newborn to a few weeks old while the transaction was concluding.

Musk and his first wife, Canadian novelist Justine Wilson, have five boys together. They married in the year 2000 and divorced in 2008. Two years after their marriage that they birthed Nevada Alexander Musk and He would, however, die tragically at the age of ten weeks.

How did Elon Musk’s Son Nevada Alexander Musk die?

At the very young and delicate age of just 10 weeks old, Nevada died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Elon’s parents put Nevada to sleep, according to Ashlee Vance’s account, and when they returned, he was no longer breathing. When paramedics got on the scene, they were able to resuscitate him, but the child’s brain was no longer working correctly since he had been without oxygen for so long. Nevada Alexander Musk’s parents had to turn off life support after Nevada had been on it for three days. what caused Nevada Alexander Musk’s death is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

You might be wondering what is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexplained death, usually during sleep, of a seemingly healthy baby less than a year old. SIDS is sometimes known as crib death because infants often die in their cribs.

Elon and his wife reacted to the death of their son in opposite ways: he stayed silent, unwilling to discuss the matter, while she publicly wept. They wanted to get out of there soon since he isn’t the kind to linger in a gloomy area. They would have additional children in the next five years — twins, then triplets.

Effect of Nevada’s death on the Parents

Many people now are unaware that Nevada Alexander Musk died just as the eBay deal was revealed. The loss of the kid had undoubtedly taken a toll on the Musks.

In a Marie Claire story, Justine Wilson, Nevada’s mother said, “Elon made it obvious that he did not want to discuss their son, Nevada Alexander Musk’s death.” “I didn’t get it, just as he didn’t see why I was publicly grieving, which he said was ’emotionally manipulative.’ Instead, I suppressed my grief, coping with Nevada Alexander Musk’s death by going to an IVF facility for the first time less than two months later. Elon and I had hoped to conceive again as soon as possible.” And within the next five years, Justine and Elon gave birth to twins and then triplets. 

Musk’s then-wife saw that his response to the loss of their first kid resembled a protection mechanism he had acquired as a youngster. She told Esquire magazine, “He doesn’t do well in gloomy settings.” “He’s forward-thinking, and I believe it’s a matter of survival for him.”

He also didn’t see why it was essential to grieve in public. “Talking about it made me really upset,” he allegedly stated. “I’m not sure why I’d want to discuss such tragic occurrences. It is detrimental to the future. If you have other children and responsibilities, wallowing in grief isn’t healthy for anyone.” “I’m not sure what to do in such circumstances.”

Elon had five more children with Justine Wilson after Nevada Alexander died, all of whom were born through in vitro fertilization. Their marriage lasted eight years before ending in divorce in 2008; the pair shares custody of their five children.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

What caused the death of Elon Musk’s son, Nevada Alexander Musk’s death? Doctors made it clear that Nevada Alexander Musk’s death was a case of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS.

Death happens in children under the age of one year, and it is frequently unexpected and inexplicable. Studies on the (suspected) illness have identified no cause, despite the fact that it usually happens when people are sleeping. There is no proof that the youngster struggled or had any issues before his or her death.

Many variables have been hypothesized as contributing to SIDS, however, none have been proven.

Doctors and specialists advise removing as many dangers as possible from the kid. They advocate only letting a kid sleep face-up and using a hard mattress to achieve this. They also advise putting the youngster in a cool, smoke-free environment. SIDS is thought to account for the majority of baby fatalities that occur unexpectedly. Immunization and nursing may also be beneficial in boosting a child’s immune system.
